
Onto this page you may find the T-Kits, exploratory booklets as products of the projects implemented throught the years by ARDR staff and collaborators. We would very mcu appreciate to receive your comments and suggesions on how we can improve this section and feedback on the contentful aspect of the materials.

*We recommend downloading the e-books for best viewing experience. In order to download them right click on the desired book and the select "salvati link-ul ca / save link/target as".

Partnership - rethoric or reality? EVS guide for volunteers
Parteneriatul - retorica sau realitate? EVS guide for volunteers
Introducere in ``Educatie Extra-curriculara pentru Cetatenie activa`` EVS guide for volunteers
Moving FOR.W.A.R.D [EN] EVS guide for volunteers
Moving FOR.W.A.R.D [RO] EVS guide for volunteers
EVS Country Guide: Argentina EVS guide for volunteers
EVS Country Guide: Peru EVS guide for volunteers
EVS Country Guide: Cameroon EVS guide for volunteers
EVS Country Guide: Sweden EVS guide for volunteers
EVS Country Guide: Uk EVS guide for volunteers
EVS Country Guide: Romania EVS guide for volunteers
Kit community needs analysis and risk assessment EVS guide for volunteers
EUROSAT for WAVE ed.1 EVS guide for volunteers
EUROSAT for WAVE ed.2 EVS guide for volunteers
Management of Group EVS projects in local communities (Kit on EVS 2nd series) EVS guide for volunteers
County Network for Youth Multipliers
Educatie extra-curiculara prin EVS
RuraLearn prin EVS EVS guide for volunteers
CARTA EVS - How we survived
Learning European Active Democracy EVS guide for volunteers
Social work in Rroma communities EVS guide for volunteers
Learning by Living Together
Kit on Community Youth Development through EVS
Youth Participation in Local Governance
Social Animation      
EVS RRoma Guide for volunteers