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``Caravan of young talents`` in Ticleni in the project E.E.C.A.

ARDR in partnership with it's 12 educational units has organized on the 16th of March ``Caravan of young talents of Gorj county`` in Ticleni.

In the activity have participated groups of young talents from the 12 communities of the 12 educational units. They have participated with cultural moments, humoristic moments and artistic moments that the pupils have developed under the coordination of the EECA coordinators, during the extracurricular activities developed in the schools through the p...


International Conference "ACT NOW" in Bruxelles

The Regional Association for Rural Development (ARDR) has organized  the International Conference Act Now within the European Parliament, in Brussels between   11th -14th of January, 2012.

To know more about the conference, please visit the website of the conference:

To know more about the project ACT NOW, please visit the page of the project: 

5th of December 2010, Targu Jiu

On the 5th of December, the city of Targu Jiu will be the host of 60 EVS volunteers from Europe, Caucasus, Africa and Latin America. The volunteers will be divided in 9 thematical groups through which they will address different social categories of the inhabitants of Targu Jiu
Voice picturing


The Regional Association for Rural Development - ARDR - announces the beginning of Act Now project.
The implementation period is bet...

From March to May this year (2012), part of the Implementation of Participation Standards Activity, 20 schools in the 5 counties of the Olteni...

Regional Association for Rural Development has assigned two representants to participate at the first edition of the social entrepreneurship&rs...