ARDR offers numerous services to private and public enterprises. Whether you are a small NGO, a start-up business, or a part of the LPA, ARDR can help you and your organization become stronger, more efficient and more capable of assessing and meeting the needs of your target group.
Read about our services to find out how ARDR can help you!
ARDR conducts research on important issues for community development and the community sector. By monitoring legislative activities, elaborating studies ARDR can issue materials regarding the decisions, arrangements, and politics touching on societal topics in local communities. All other services provided by ARDR are ascribed a strong scientific background based on realistic needs analysis and back-casting and fore-casting prognosis. ARDR pioneers monitoring and evaluation methodologies either for self-managed projects or other parties managing projects as well.
Since 2009 ARDR has seriously got involved in applying the Common Assessment Framework- CAF methodology for the local public administration in Oltenia region.
Is there too much of a workload for your company or institution? Do you need to work out some changes? Do you need some extra funds for your initiatives? Not enough trained personnel to lead a project? Are you late with reporting to your donors? Do you find it a hassle writing a project application? Don't know how to approach a bank for credit? Is it too much of a worry to enter a contract or partnership? Then ARDR can help. At your call, ARDR can step in with our great team to give you the most appropriate development roadmap for your company and take over your responsibilities in work routine.
Trainings/ Vocational training:
Do you want to be better informed, better prepared and enhance your skills in a specific field? Do you want to motivate, prepare and constantly train your employees, your staff or team in order to face the new challenges of a globalizing market economy as well as the reformed European Policies which affect you directly?
ARDR can help by providing you with a wide range of training modules that address your specific needs. The modules are being constantly updated according to new developments and a professional pool of trainers teaches every module.
European Voluntary Service- EVS:
ARDR has a long track record of working with volunteers from around the world. With ARDR experts, your organization can develop a dynamic volunteer program, whether it is through the European Voluntary Service, Peace Corps, or residents who want to give their time as a volunteer. Let ARDR guide you through the process of assessing how volunteers can contribute to your enterprise, recruiting and retaining volunteers, and monitoring and evaluating your volunteer program.
Information Campaigns:
ARDR offers consulting on how to effectively design and implement a successful information campaign, guaranteed to raise local and regional awareness about your issue or product. From researching, defining your target audience, and evaluating which medium is best for you, ARDR guides you through the steps of running an effective information campaign.
Job Fairs:
Job fairs can be an effective instrument to reach a diverse number of goals. Whether you're part of a school that wants to broaden the horizons of a group of children by introducing them to the many jobs available in Romania and Europe, or you're a company that is in desperate need of bright, young minds, a job fair can work for you. Let the professionals at ARDR help you to plan and execute your next job fair!
ARDR offers seminars to help your institution or company staff increase its effectiveness in the workplace. While each seminar has basic content and structure, presentations are customized to meet the specific needs of your audience. ARDR helps you to identify relevant topics to explore in conjunction with your staff to boost their productivity and knowledge.
Does your institution/company look to attract public attention on particular issues? Do you want to exchange views and information, ask questions, and interact in a public setting? Do you not have the right keynote speakers to invite? Not enough time to take care of everything on your own? ARDR can step in and organize conferences covering different, broad areas of interest.
Job Shadowing:
ARDR allows you to develop and acquire additional skills in different fields by giving you the opportunity to work in an international partner organization for a limited period of time. It is also a chance to exchange good practice experiences. ARDR has a strong and ongoing enlarging network of partners and is putting at your disposal a wide range of choices in order to meet best your interest.
Cultural Exchanges:
ARDR offers your community the opportunity to promote, at the international level, its cultural traditions and customs through the voice of your youngsters. Besides promoting your community abroad, the cultural exchange programmes contribute to the mobility of your youngsters giving them the chance to contact other cultures, realities and raise their awareness towards differences and intercultural tolerance.
Study Trips:
With a Study Trip, ARDR helps you to establish contacts with different actors in order to have an exchange of good practice and eventually to set up partnerships. ARDR can also facilitate your visit to various European institutions such as the European Parliament, Committee of Regions and others, giving you the chance to get in direct contact with the place where the policies affecting you are being made.

Voice picturing
Azi, 15 martie 2013, echipa proiectului S.A.V.E. - Social Awareness and Volunteering in Europe, alcatuita din A... » Read more
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The implementation period is bet...
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