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Azi, 15 martie 2013, echipa proiectului S.A.V.E. - Social Awareness and Volunteering in Europe, alcatuita din Alex, Adelina, voluntarii Ernesta din Lituania, Anna din Armenia, Saulius din Lituania si Benny din Italia, impreuna cu Directorul Centrului Scolar pentru Educatie Incluziva, domnul Nicu Baiu, au realizat o deplasare in comuna Borascu, satul Miluta, la adresa familiei Croitoru, pentru a afla cu totii povestea Mariei, fetita in varsta de 4 ani a familiei.
Ajunsi la domi...

Excursie in saptamana ``Scoala altfel``

      Asociatia Regionala pentru Dezvoltare Rurala in parteneriat cu cu cele 12 unitati de invatamant: G.S.I Baia de Fier, G.S.I Minier Bilteni, Colegiul Mihai Viteazul Bumbesti-Jiu, G.S.I Bustuchin, Scoala Generala Hurezani, Colegiul National Tehnologic Matasari, Scoala Generala Musetesti, Liceul Teoretic Novaci,Scoala Generala nr.3 Rovinari, Colegiul National “Tudor Arghezi” Targu Carbunesti, G.S.I de Petrol Ticleni, G.S.I Tismana a organizat in acest week...

Europe`s Day celebrated in Craiova

All of the volunteers in Dolj and Gorj countries got together in Craiova to celebrate the International Day of Europe. The event reunited over 80 volunteers in total and took place in the centre of Craiova where the volunteers set up stands and made it become, for one day, ``Europe Street``. On the Europe Street the activities were :
- Music ( Dj, Live music, Volunteers perform music from their countries, Street musicians);
-Street performance (Dance Battle, Graffiti on a big wall made of w...

A new kind of social campaings

Starting with the fourth edition of the ``Smile for tomorrow campaign`` the volunteers have decided to give a different direction than the previous ones. Their idea was to focus their efforts and bring confort to different social categories: senior citizens, children in foster homes or very poor people. In one of the activities developed during the campaign, the volunteers spent two days with the children from a foster home called ``Nos enfants d’ailleurs``.
You can read more about th...

Halloween parties and EVS

The volunteers from the group EVS project FOR.W.A.R.D. all made Halloween parties. You can read about these activities and view pictures on the page of the project in the section "Activities".
Access the page of the project FOR.W.A.R.D.
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The Regional Association for Rural Development - ARDR - announces the beginning of Act Now project.
The implementation period is bet...

From March to May this year (2012), part of the Implementation of Participation Standards Activity, 20 schools in the 5 counties of the Olteni...

Regional Association for Rural Development has assigned two representants to participate at the first edition of the social entrepreneurship&rs...