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ARDR has started the EVS project S.A.V.E.

>S.A.V.E is a Group EVS project that will focus on social awareness raising and inclusion of people (in particular youngsters) with less opportunities from Targu Jiu, Targu Carbunesti and Suseni by means of non formal education, outdoor activities and cultural diversity set in place by ARDR with the support of European Volunteers.

ARDR va multumeste pentru sprijinul oferit

>Asociatia Regionala pentru Dezvoltare Rurala le multumeste tuturor celor care in anii trecuti au binevoit a directiona 2% catre organizatia noastra si au demonstrat incredere fata de misiunea si viziunea adoptate. Ne pastram in continuare angajamentul fata de nevoile comunitatilor locale si cercetam in mod sustinut oportunitatile de dezvoltare regionala. Va asiguram ca si in anul ce urmeaza, ARDR va consolida rezultatele obtinute pana acum si va aduce noi initiative de economie sociala, voluntaria...
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The Regional Association for Rural Development - ARDR - announces the beginning of Act Now project.
The implementation period is bet...

From March to May this year (2012), part of the Implementation of Participation Standards Activity, 20 schools in the 5 counties of the Olteni...

Regional Association for Rural Development has assigned two representants to participate at the first edition of the social entrepreneurship&rs...