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Awarness raising campaign "Community Youth Network for Active Citizenship"


Project overview: Awarness raising campaign "Community Youth Network for Active Citizenship" points to increased interest and awarness in the target communities to participate actively and involve youth in local decision making, but also aims to encourage dialogue, exchange of best practice and partnership. All these are possible through meeting...


CERT GORJ (Advisers Europeans for Spatial Network Gorj)

Project overview: GORJ CERT is a regional initiative launched by ARDR which aims to create and maintain of collaborative links between individuals with responsibilities in the field of European integration in the halls of Gorj county, continue their professional training through periodic quality training sessions in order to obtain a modern and efficient public administration Able to respond in a manner optimal integration requirements of Romania in ...

Click on EVS

August 2007-February 2008

Project overview
: Click on EVS aims to provide young people from rural and mining Gorj County areas the opportunity to be involved in local community development through the development of European projects based on non-formal and informal learning, as European dimensions, open to active citizenship, but also through community volunte...

Training for Local Active Citizenship

September-December 2007

Project overview: Training for Local Active Citizenship looks at training young teachers and their preparation in view of increasing the number of extracurricular activities for the Community young people; increasing the role and participation of educational institutions in community through the initiation of extracurricular educational activities for ...

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Voice picturing


The Regional Association for Rural Development - ARDR - announces the beginning of Act Now project.
The implementation period is bet...

From March to May this year (2012), part of the Implementation of Participation Standards Activity, 20 schools in the 5 counties of the Olteni...

Regional Association for Rural Development has assigned two representants to participate at the first edition of the social entrepreneurship&rs...