April 1 2010- September 28 2010-11-2010

Project overview: The volunteering accessing in Europe hosted six volunteers on a four months period starting with April 1 2010, until September 28 2010.
The effective period of probation is longer than four months because not all started on the same time. Access Volunteering in Europe looks at intercultural process stimulation of learning and the development of european conscience and active participation in hosting communites space; the supplying of a context for the volunteers of personal and social development through the acquisition of new competences and also self trust increasing.
The project activities focalise on non formal education developed with the support of young people from hosting communities and encouraging the participation of young people with reduced opportunities. In the same time the project looks for the strenghtening of partnerships and the cooperation between all the projects promoters.
Project partnership: AMICUS; La Ligue de l'Enseignement-France; Itineraire International- France
Donor: Youth in Action Programme

Please refer to the project webpage for further information http://www.yesforevs.eu/access volunteering in europe.php
Voice picturing